Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have a great New Year !!

Hi Folks

It has been a while since I do not write on the blog. It has been a very busy couple months :)

However, I'd like to wish a Great New Year to all of you !!

About my last post, iToon 2.0 was submitted, approved and it is available on the App Store. However, I can't wait to submit the next release. If you thought that version 2.0 was a major update, you will be surprised by the 2.1 version.

Before telling about 2.1, let me share a few issues with you: Apple has changed their "New Release" list policy on the App Store and, unfortunately, "Updates" are no longer considered "New Releases". As such, I have no efficient way to let everybody know about new iToon versions.

On the previous policy, iToon used to show up on the very first page of the "New Releases" list for each update. However, on the new policy, it not longer happens. I trust that you will be happy with the new releases and let your friends know. I really need this "advertisement" help from you in order to keep the updates going. 

In a glance, here are some of the iToon 2.1 features:

- Frames : You will be able to add frames to you picture, take a look on some of them at the end of this post.
- Background Painter : You will be able to overlap pictures and interchange the backgrounds.
- Artistic Highlight : You will be able to build dramatic effects with Colored Themes on the top of Black and White background.
- In-App Purchases : This will allow you to buy features and content packs directly from iToon Store.

These are major enhancements that will bring iToon to a new level. 2010 is promising great things.

Best luck to us all !

Babs2Go Founder


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